# 원기둥 클래스 정의하기
#### CODE <a class='btn btn-default' href='/codes/87172'>Link</a>
public class CylinderTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 객체 생성
Cylinder c = new Cylinder();
// 속성 값 입력
c.radius = 4;
c.height = 5;
// 출력
System.out.printf("원기둥의 부피: %.2f\n", c.getVolume());
System.out.printf("원기둥의 겉넓이: %.2f\n", c.getArea());
class Cylinder {
/* 필드와 메소드를 구현하시오. */
#### INPUT
#### OUPUT
/root/var/tmp/2023_03_01_23_43_16_c904217e/CylinderTest.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
c.radius = 4;
symbol: variable radius
location: variable c of type Cylinder
/root/var/tmp/2023_03_01_23_43_16_c904217e/CylinderTest.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
c.height = 5;
symbol: variable height
location: variable c of type Cylinder
/root/var/tmp/2023_03_01_23_43_16_c904217e/CylinderTest.java:11: error: cannot find symbol
System.out.printf("원기둥의 부피: %.2f\n", c.getVolume());
symbol: method getVolume()
location: variable c of type Cylinder
/root/var/tmp/2023_03_01_23_43_16_c904217e/CylinderTest.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
System.out.printf("원기둥의 겉넓이: %.2f\n", c.getArea());
symbol: method getArea()
location: variable c of type Cylinder
4 errors
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