# yield & provide 메소드 동작원리 내부적으로 어떻게 동작하는지 알고싶어요.
## provide provide stores a block of markup in an identifier for later use. In this case, 'Help' in the symbol :title. The provide is enclosed in <% %> to indicate it is executing this code and not printing out in the view. ## yield yield in this case just spits that block back out. The yield is enclosed in <%= %> to indicate it is being printed out into the view. ## more.. Think of it as setting a variable and printing out a variable. See: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/CaptureHelper.html#method-i-provide for more information. Note that provide is really a wrapper for content_for so that's where the good stuff is in that link. ## 레퍼런스 + yield & provide 메소드 동작원리 (https://goo.gl/jqnKKc)